🍍 COMPLIMENTARY Pina Colada Air Freshener when you spend $20! Exclusions apply. 🍍
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      Our Top 3 #MaskCoHacks

      For A Fresh Smelling Kitchen

      The kitchen is the heart of your home. and the biggest source of smells - delicious ones or otherwise. Whether it’s the scent of last night’s dinner, or the smell of toast that was burnt during the morning school rush, lingering smells in the kitchen can make your kitchen feel less than fresh.
      Looking for ways to keep your kitchen as fresh as a daisy? We’ve got the perfect hacks for you.

      1. Banish Kitchen Smells With Air Freshener

      Make sure that you keep a bottle of your favourite air freshener handy in the kitchen - it’s the perfect way to get rid of unwanted kitchen smells in a flash. Just spray it directly into the air after cooking - easiest hack ever!

      2. Revive and Refresh Your Rubbish Bin

      Let’s face it, the smell of a rubbish bin is everyone’s least favourite scent. The combination of rubbish, kitchen scraps and leftovers your bin holds can easily make your kitchen smell dirty and uninviting.

      If you want to keep your bin smelling like a rose (or like our gorgeous Vanilla Bean and Caramel Air Freshener), try this clever solution the next time you change your bin bag: take a clean paper towel sheet, spray it directly a couple of times with air freshener, then place it at the bottom of your bin. 

      Once your bin starts to fill up, just spritz the contents directly when you want to freshen it up. You’ll never have to worry about bad bin odours in your kitchen again. 

      3. Beautiful Benches

      So, you’ve been stuck with dishwashing duty after a big dinner? We’ve all been there. Want to add the perfect finishing touch to your freshly cleaned kitchen? Mask Co has got your back. 

      This easy hack will fill your kitchen with a subtle scent that will still be there to welcome you in the morning - and in under 10 seconds! Just spritz your clean kitchen sponge with air freshener before using it to wipe down all your benches and kitchen surfaces. Note: While this will make your benches smell nice and fresh, our fragrances are not 'food safe', so it's best to wipe the surface thoroughly after using the product.  

      These three easy #MaskCoHacks are our favourite ways to keep our kitchens smelling clean, appealing and inviting. 

      How do you keep your kitchen fresh? Share your kitchen hacks in the comments below! 

      Mix and match your own 3, 6 or 9 pack with any fragrance you like via our website - starting from $34.95.
      Not sure what fragrance to pick? These are three crowd favourites!

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